06 February 2012

February is "Love Month" at Cambridge Beaches

We live in a world where we are besieged with the negative, with wars and terrorism, with change and uncertainty and we are missing any real input on the essentials of our growth as human beings. Isn’t it true that the world could use a lot more love, especially now? Isn’t true that if we could reach past judgment and fear and be open to hearing, understanding and yes, loving, our fellow man that life would be different? How refreshing would it be to awake one morning and read that a nation declared love for its neighbors instead of war against them?
The act of loving, both the giving and receiving of it, is a truly extraordinary gift that we each have the power to possess and share. Love is a revelation that enlightens and inspires us. It gives us purpose and elevates our humanity and our consciousness to higher levels. We never forget reaching that place of feeling and knowing. There has been nothing I have experienced that is more wondrous or fulfilling.  Love replaces fear, jealousy, envy, greed and ego. It is the positive side of our lives.
But love isn’t easy. Love won’t always be smooth sailing. People have needs, desires and whims, which aren’t maintenance free. Neither is love.  It demands understanding, trust, flexibility, patience, maturity and perspective. Perhaps most important, love requires us to be in touch with who we are and in touch with the person whom we love. How else could love be real?  And essentially, it begins from us loving ourselves.
I’ve heard people say that they’ve lost at love in the wake of a failed relationship. What I suspect was most often true is that they believed love functions as a cure all, that it is automatic and requires no sustenance. Love is a state of mind and it requires conscious change in ourselves, in our thinking and in the way we emote and react. Love is not a static individual, standalone element, it is a representation of all that we are, where we are and where we are going. It cannot be “used” as a panacea for all our woes, it is not a crutch to lean on, it is a source of infinite light in times of darkness but it must be fed and nurtured.  It is not a bargaining chip, i.e., ‘if you loved me you wouldn’t,’ it is unconditional and the moment we try to impose conditions we dilute its power.
Love however, is the core in which we can evolve. It can be our base for growth and happiness and can lead us away from stress, anxiety, from frustration and anger.  The opportunity to live in love with another is one of the divine gifts we have been given. We have the ability to strengthen and grow the love we share with another. It is always within our grasp. Love, to be shared can be simply manifested with our significant other, partner or spouse, a simple but thoughtful gesture such as a note, dinner, flowers or spoken words can mean everything. Sometimes it is as simple as not opening the laptop or iPad, not turning on the television, not being a slave to our emails but showing that our significant other has value far and above all of those things, that we are prepared to set those aside, simply to be with and to celebrate with, our loved one.
Do you remember how good you felt when the love you shared with your significant other, partner or spouse was new? One of our core messages at Cambridge Beaches is that that feeling does not need to be a thing of the past. That the excitement, passion, the laughter and joy, the state of bliss that many assume is a thing associated with new relationships, is in fact readily achievable throughout our relationships. But it takes conscious effort, it takes a commitment to cast aside all of the other daily distractions and to just be with our soul mate. And that is the environment we are trying to create here at Cambridge Beaches. Space, a sanctuary to get off the rapidly spinning world, to say this is our time, to be alone together, to reach out and re-establish our connections, to rekindle and reenergize and there is February is the ideal time to recommit to that journey together and we believe there is no better place to do that than here at Cambridge beaches in Bermuda.
During our February “Love Month” and throughout the year, Cambridge Beaches Resort & Spa provides an ideal environment to rediscover and reignite those feelings, whether you’re stealing away in one of our tastefully appointed water-view rooms, relaxing in our award-winning Ocean Spa or enjoying an intimate dinner for two in the Tamarisk Room. In February, Cambridge Beaches will celebrate love by offering special packages (accommodations and spa treatments) and, as ever, doing all that we can to create uniquely intimate, unforgettable experiences for our guests.
No matter where you are, my sincere hope is that you enjoy and grow in love. We’d love to hear from you. What do you and your mate do to keep your love feeling like new? Follow us on Twitter, join us on Facebook or leave a comment here.

